Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Clean it Out - D BLog week Entry #3

I am a d-mom pack rat.  I have hoards of diabetes crap all over the house.  I fear ever running out of stuff.  I have given some old stuff away, but not much, I might need it for the zombie apocalypse. (Actually we would run out of insulin in about a month and then call it a day).

I even bought a cabinet to keep it all in.

There are currently about 150 used pods, 60 new pods, an old PDM, and old Ping pump, 10 glucagon kits (most expired), epipens, Dexcom sensors, a dead Nightscout rig, etc. etc.

I bought this nice cabinet from Penn Dutch Furniture and a real Amish guy delivered it (by truck, no horse and buggy, bummer). http://www.penndutchfurniturestore.com/

I have junk down in the basement.

More expired glucagon kits, 10 old One Touch testers (we switched to Freestyle with the cut the cord program) and lots of other junk.  I need to regift this stuff.

And I also have kept every log page for the last 6 years.

I don't know why.  I need to recycle this crap and go electronic.

Does everyone else have this much d-crap?

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